External Links
Big history web sites
Big history courses
Scientific journals
General information
- Wikipedia big history page
- Youtube Big History Series
- International Big History Association (IBHA)
- European Big History Network (EBHN)
- Big History on Facebook
- Cosmic Evolution: From Big Bang to Humankind, Wright Center, Tufts University, Cambridge, Massachusetts, United States
- ChronoZoom. Interactive big history timeline being developed at UC Berkeley by Roland Saekow and Walter Alvarez
- Scale of the Universe
- Powers of Ten, including Kees Boeke’s original version
Powers of Ten on Youtube - History of the Universe
- A Walk through Time
- Uitgeverij de Arend, Big History for children (in Dutch)
- EvoDevoUniverse. Discussion group based on theoretical physics and philosophy
- Information Philosopher
Big history courses
- Big History Institute, Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia. Instructor: Dr. David Christian
- Introduction to World Civilizations, Grand Valley State University, Allendale, MI, United States (HST 101). Instructor: Dr. Craig Benjamin
- Big History Project. On-line big history course for secondary schools sponsored by Bill Gates
- La Gran Historia, Universidad de Oviedo, Oviedo, Spain
- Local Big History, Università Degli Studi Di Milano, Milan, Italy. Instructor: Dr. Grieco Giovanni
- The Big History of Civilizations (MOOC), Grand Valley State University, Michigan, United States. Instructor: Dr. Craig Benjamin
- Big History: Connecting Knowledge (MOOC), Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia. Instructor: Dr. David Christian
- International Symposium "Big History and Global Evolution" . October 21, 2020. Please note: the English-spoken part of this conference starts at 5 hours and 50 minutes.
- The Anthropocene in Context, David Christian, September 2016, Keynote Address at the Big History Anthropocene Conference, Macquarie University.
- Big History and the Future of Humanity, Fred Spier, September 2011, Lecture at Villanova University.
- Big History, David Christian, March 2011, TED Talks
- Earth History in the Broadest Possible Context. Walter Alvarez, April 29, 2010, 97th Annual Faculty Research Lectures, University of California at Berkeley.
- The Big History of Humanity, Craig Benjamin, November 2010, Lecture at Grand Valley State University.
- What Is Our Place in the Cosmos?, David Deutsch, July 2005, TED Talks
- Earth in its Final Century?, Martin Rees, July 2005, TED Talks
Scientific journals
- International Big History Association
- World History Assiociation
- World History discussion group at H-Net
- World History Connected, online World History journal
- Fernand Braudel Center, center for the study of World-Systems Theory
- National Aeronautics and Space Administration
- European Space Agency
- Solar Influences Data Analysis Center at the Royal Observatory of Belgium
- Spaceweather
- National Museum of Natural History Naturalis (in Dutch)
General information
- WorldWide Telescope (great astronomy site)
- The Particle Adventure, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, University of California, Berkeley, United States
- Kennislink, Scientific news and background information (in Dutch)
- Oermens, Palaeo-anthropology, with excellent worldwide links and references (in Dutch)
- The Beauty of Maps: great BBC documentary on maps and map making
- The Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, United States
- The Big Bang Theory Theme with Lyrics, YouTube video
- A Brief History of Pretty Much Everything, animated drawing